Useful Articles for Developers

This is sort of a compilation of articles I ran into over the last week. I think they can be useful for both myself and other developers, either doing WordPress-related work or not. Some of them are very technical, while others just share personal experiences, and the rest fall in the middle.

Using Inheritance with WordPress

Carl Alexander always write awesome stuff. In this article he talks about some fundamental concepts of OOP, and shares tips on how we could apply them while developing plugins and themes.

The Case for WordPress Certification

A pretty detailed blog post advocating for the creation of a standard and widely recognized certification for WordPress developers as a way to formally validate their knowledge. It points some of the approaches that have being already taken on the matter, as well as how other open source projects deal with it.

Interview Humiliation

Basically, how to suck and not suck during the process of interviewing candidates for an open position at your company. It’s focused on tech-related positions, but I think it applies to any other profile too.

The Evolution of a Software Engineer

An oldie but still a goodie. I think the title itself is a great description. Some of the comments are great too.

10 Things Not To Do In PHP 7

A great list of a few bad practices that are more frequent than they should be. I’d like to note that all of them can be avoided even when working with PHP 5, but as the language becomes more and more mature and professional we need to work harder to eradicate them.

The Tech Talent Shortage Is A Lie

The premise of the article is that there are a lot of great people working in tech out there, but they probably won’t want to work for you if you don’t care about building a tech-friendly culture inside your company. I don’t agree with all the article, but I think it has a lot of interesting points.

Find a widget’s current sidebar context

This is a personal favorite of mine, and I love this kind of solutions. It’s a great way to obtain the context where a widget is being processed, and alter the widget’s behavior based on that context.

The Single Biggest Mistake Programmers Make Every Day

Damn good article about the practice of some principles of simplicity, such as KISS, DOT, and other non-acronym ones. It’s a little more specific about the programming language that I would like (though I’m not a JavaScript guy, so it’s OK), but still great.

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