
Category Archives — Projects

Articles about the projects I’m working on, or collaborating to.

Mejorando tu Trabajo: Deploy Automatizado de WordPress con Capistrano

Nota: este artículo se publicó originalmente en inglés acá.

Si desarrollás sitios web con WordPress de manera profesional (básicamente, si vivís de eso o si una parte significativa de lo que ganás viene de ahí), y si todavía no implementaste un sistema de deployment automatizado, deberías considerar fuertemente hacerlo. Siendo sincero, no es lo más fácil del mundo. De hecho, muy probablemente te lleve unas cuantas horas de trabajo, de pruebas infructuosas y de lidiar con la comunicación entre servidores. Lo bueno es que podés aprovechar unos cuantos recursos variados en la experiencia de mucha gente que se quemó las pestañas poniendo en práctica un sistema de deployment antes que vos. Incluso existen herramientas especialmente pensadas para WordPress que te pueden resultar recontra útiles.

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Follet Is Now Available Through the WordPress Themes Directory

Well, the wait was worth it, and finally Follet can be downloaded from the WordPress Themes Directory. The guys in the Theme Review team do an awesome job by giving advice on how to improve your theme, which is very useful not only for the directory, but to improve the overall quality of your work too.

Downloads are doing pretty good, and some people gave me very positive feedback about the theme. I’m very glad and thankful for all of that, so I hope to start seeing Follet installed in some websites soon. Right now I’m looking forward to version 1.1, which will correct some glitches and present some new useful features. Also, pretty soon there will be some little tutorials on how to take advantage of all the hidden functionalities that Follet has built-in.

If you already tried Follet, thank you 🙂 And in case you don’t know what I’m talking about, you can download Follet from the theme directory here, or see the demo site here.

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Workflow Improvements: An Introduction to Automatic Deployment

If you develop websites using WordPress professionally (basically, if you make a living out of it or a significant part of your income comes from there), and you haven’t implemented yet an automatic deployment system, you should strongly consider doing it. Being sincere, it’s not the easiest thing in the world. In fact, both the process and the learning curve will take a lot of working hours out of you, all spent in fruitless tests and dealing with communication between servers. The good thing is that you can take advantage of a lot of resources based on the work of people who lost some sleep hours in exchange of putting a complete deployment system in practice before you have to create a totally new one. There even exist some tools specially designed for WordPress that can be really useful to you.

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