I’m pretty excited to tell you all that my latest project, Follet, was sent for revision to the WordPress Theme Directory yesterday. I’m really looking forward to have it featured there, since it took me a couple of months of hard work, trying to follow all the best practices I could and all the guidelines from the Theme Review team. I also had to make a lot of decisions about features being there, not being there, or being hidden. The design process took a significant amount of time too, in my attempts to make it look modern, clean and customizable at the same time.
It will sure take some more work, based on the corrections and suggestions from the guys in the Theme Review team, but I’m willing to do that too. I’m sure I will learn a lot from this 🙂
So, I will be posting here again when/if Follet gets approved. In the meantime, you can check its demo, or take a look at the code and star it in Github.